Maybe  I  can  help?





As we go about our day, our muscles shorten and lenghten contiuously to support acctivities we do.


Illness, the strain of the activities we are undertaking or indeed bad habbits, may result in unbalanced levels of tension in our muscles.


This is when we may suffer with pain, fatigue or stress.


Why not text, phone or e-mail me to discuss your symptoms?


To learn more about the Bowen Technique, pay a visit to the

Bowen Association UK website :



Bowen is a complementary therapy and as such will complement other medical treatment. However it should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.














           Relax      Rest      Revitalise   

     About me

My name is Veronica Horgan.

I discovered the Bowen technique when looking for treatment for a long term, recurrent back problem. My Mother-in-law kindly gave me a Bowen session as a gift, in the hope it might help and it really did make a difference.

Having spent 30 years working as a Community Midwife, I was planning a change of career and having discovered Bowen, decided to train with the Bowen Association.U.K.

I am fully trained in the Bowen Technique and a registered member of the Bowen Association UK.  I undertake continued professional development each year.  I hold an anatomy and physiology qualification.  I have an up-to-date First Aid Certificate and am fully insured.

Bowen Training

Bowen Training is open to everyone. For details of professional training in Bowen Technique go to: